Personality Profiling Workshops (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam)

Why Personality Behavioural Profiling is important and increasingly gaining recognition in the corporate world?

About 80 million people complete a personality test each year.  Are you benefitting from it?

Approximately 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Personality Profiling assessments to help them build stronger, more effective teams and more balanced teams. 
Is your company doing this?

Human beings are the driving force behind any enterprise, and an increasing number of businesses are awakening to the fact that enhancing the efficiency with which their teams operate can yield enormous gains. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, such as by encouraging open lines of communication and fostering a positive, productive atmosphere.

Personality Profiling Workshops in SIngapore using MBTI, DiSC, Colored Brain and FIRO-B
Personality Profiling Workshops Singapore

 Businesses can engage with their employees as individuals and recognize their unique needs by using Personality Profiling Assessment and training.  This enables them to elicit the best performance from each member of the team. If you know how to explain your ideas to anyone in the organization and how they prefer to hear them, you will be able to create cohesive groups, encourage more communication and cooperation among workers, and boost output.

Generally Personality Profiling Training, such as MBTI, DiSC, FIRO-B, Colored Brain, can yield the following benefits:

  • Deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, your blind points and how to make them work for you, leading to greater personal effectiveness. 
  • Gain awareness of other people personalities with the result of being better able to understand their behaviours,  and avoid conflicts.  When we conduct our Personality Profiling sessions, we often have insightful and fun learning activities that showcase sources of conflicts due to personality differences, and consider strategies to avoid or work through conflicts.
  • Improve quality of communication:  Knowing each other personality types through Personality Profiling Tests or Profiling Assessments, you learn how to speak the same language of your counterpart leading to better connection and communication.
  • Better teamwork: Our fun team building sessions and games help to draw out the strengths and weakness of every employee and how diversity of a team may contribute to higher quality decisions, or more creative or productive performance.
  • Improve leadership:  Leaders and Managers with ability to understand their team members have better empathy.   A Personality Profiling Training workshop can help leaders and managers to better understand their team members and discover what motivates them, how they make decisions and communicate, and how to engage them.
  • Better Recruitment:  Whilst we stress during our Personality Profiling workshops that many of such Personality Assessment tools are not for use in recruitment, some tools give insights on diversity or the lack of, which managers can tap on such insights for their recruitment.

It’s no wonder that the Personality Testing industry reached $2.3 billion in 2019.  According to Dr. Howard B. Esbin, the CEO of All Star Teams, Personality Profiling Assessments will increase to $6.5 billion by 2027.



The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-assessment test, also known as a self report inventory, designed to identify a person’s personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung’s theory of personality types. Today, the MBTI inventory is one of the world’s most widely used psychological instruments.

16 MBTI Types by Myers Briggs

The MBTI® assessment is a psychometric tool that gives you insight into what makes you unique, based on 16 Personality Types. 

It gives you a framework to develop a clearer sense of self-awareness and awareness of others, and as a result you’re able to better frame decisions, reduce miscommunication, and understand personal needs more effectively. It gives you insights on where you get your energy (Extravert-Introvert), what types of information you need to make decisions (Sensing-Intuition), how you make decisions (Thinking-Feeling), and how you deal with the world (Juding-Perceiving).

With the help of our professional certified MBTI Coach and Facilitator, the participants will be able to discover their own and other people behaviour preferences and use their skills to improve relationship and communication among each other and other people they interact with.

The MBTI training is also a powerful tool for teambuilding and leadership development and coaching.   In fact, MBTI Team Building workshops (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia) is one of the most sought after programmes by 36 HR Training & Consultancy.

Click here for more info on our MBTI Assessment Workshops


The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-BehaviorTM, or FIRO-B® Test, was developed in response to the need to understand and predict how high-performance military teams would collaborate during World War II. William Shutz’s theory’s basic premise was simple: “people need people,” and people’s interpersonal needs motivate their behaviors.

Schutz’s research led him to the conclusion that an individual’s interpersonal needs could be summed up into the three foundational areas of the FIRO-B test:

FIRO-B Team Building Singapore

Affection, Inclusion, and Control and the added dimensions of Expressed vs Wanted.

During our FIRO-B® Team Building workshops, we demonstrate the value of value FIRO-B Personality Profiling as follows:

  • It reveals how interpersonal needs drive people’s behaviour.
  • It shapes people’s ability to build trust, influence others, and create productive relationships.
  • It facilitates the formation and reengagement of teams.
  • It highlights perceptual gaps that may inadvertently derail relationships.

Read here to find out more about our FIRO-B Team Building Workshops


The DiSC® model provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.

DiSC Personality Test

DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance,
(S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.

People with D personalities tend to be confident and place an emphasis on accomplishing bottom-line results.

People with i personalities tend to be more open and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing or persuading others.

People with S personalities tend to be dependable and place the emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.

People with C personalities tend to place the emphasis on quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.

Everything DiSC also measures priorities (the words around the circle), providing more nuanced and memorable feedback in profiles.

During our DiSC Team Building Workshops, we show you how individuals and organizations can benefit from DiSC profiles in the following ways:

  • Enhance your self-awareness and comprehension of your communication preferences.
  • How you handle conflict
  • What keeps you going?
  • What stresses you out?
  • What method you use to solve problems
  • Learn how you make decisions.
  • Learn how to use the People-Reading process to identify DiSC styles.
  • Put in place actionable strategies to encourage team interactions.
  • Increase your leadership influence by learning new skills.
  • Improve your sales skills by recognizing and responding to customer communication styles.
  • Understanding what motivates and stresses employees and team members allows managers to manage more effectively.

Click here for more info on DiSC Teambuilding Workshops


Understanding human thought and personal rapport can be a powerful tool for improving both work and personal relationships. Have you ever wondered why there is so much miscommunication and why some people misinterpret the message you’re attempting to convey? This is due to the fact that we all process information differently. “Colored brain processing” helps us understand the four genetic ways of processing information. In this course, ‘Colored Brain: Gateway to Improving Communication Skills at Work,’ we will teach you how to take your interpersonal communication skills to the next level.

Colored Brain Training

What does a Red, Blue, Green or Purple Colored Brain mean?

Participants will learn how to overcome common psychological barriers, identify their own colored brain, and discover how each ‘Colored Brain’ works during this one-day Colored Brain Team Building workshop. Participants will also learn how to master working relationships with people of all different colors.

Contact 36-HR Training and Consultancy for more information on different Personality Profiling Workshops to find out which suits your needs.

THE MBTI ASSESSMENT (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) by Myers Briggs

Note: This is a paid MBTI Test. This MBTI Test can be performed online. The cost of the MBTI test is indicated below. Read on.

The MBTI assessment, widely used for corporate team building workshops or team development, is more than just a test or evaluation. It’s a process of helping you understand yourself and becoming better.  In fact, there are no correct or incorrect answers, and hence technically MBTI Assessment is not an ‘assessment’ nor test.   Therefore, at 36 HR Training and Consultancy, we don’t say, “Here are the results, best wishes.” Instead, we work with you to discuss the results, and make them more relevant to your reality.  

Perhaps the most popular and well-known, reigns supreme among all others: the MBTI. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or “MBTI,” is a nearly 100-year-old questionnaire that has become a standard among all personality and profiling “tests”.

What you should know about the MBTI, what research and personality experts think about the test, and how you can work with your results are all covered here.

16 MBTI Types using MBTI Assessment

16 MBTI Types by Myers Briggs

Find Out Which Type You Are with the MBTI Assessment

In a nutshell: MBTI embraces insights on your perspectives, sources of energy, decision-making style, communication style, strengths, weaknesses…

These are all aspects of your personality: who you are. And when you truly know yourself, doors open in your job, relationships, and life. With MBTI insights, you not only better understand and appreciate yourself, but you also better understand and appreciate others, and this helps in fostering deeper engagement in teams.

Click here for more info on the 16 MBTI types

Trump vs Jobs using MBTI Assessment Tool


But they are as different as night and day.

FIND OUT USING MBTI Assessment which gives detailed insights on who you are.

Why MBTI Team Development Workshop?

One reason for the wide popularity of the MBTI assessment is due to its extensive practical applications, which include:

  • Personal Effectiveness – insights into self is a powerful way to nurture strengths and work on blindspots, and developing behaviours that work for the individuals.
  • Team building and development— it’s a useful tool to identify team strengths and blindspots, facilitate communication between team members, and developing action plans for enhanced performance.
  • Leadership development – increases leaders’ understanding of their own type and the personality types of those they are leading in order to help them manage more effectively, provide more relevant feedback, and enhance individual and team performance.
  • Conflict management – improves skills in detecting conflict sources and intervening early to reduce underperformance, disruption, and disengagement.
  • Stress management – improves resiliency, increases productivity, and provides tools for identifying and coping with stress triggers.
  • However, do not organise any MBTI training for the wrong reasons! You can read more here : Do Not Attend Any MBTI Team Building Workshops until You Have Read This.

Do you agree?
“Personality has the power to uplift, depress, curse and to bless.”

What does a MBTI team development programme look like?

All our MBTI Team Building and Team Development workshops are customised to suit your needs.  A sample agenda of a 1 day MBTI programme is appended below:

09:00 – 09:30    Fun Ice-breaker and Getting to know each other

Create a safe and non-judgmental space for team members to share and learn together

09:00 – 09:30    Introduction to MBTI Team Building Session

Understanding from  participants their personal expectations and objectives

09.30 – 10:30    Introduction to MBTI and ascertain Individual Best Fit Type

What is MBTI, why MBTI and how it helps understand ourselves the way we do, decide, take in info, organise, and and appreciate the differences in others.

10:30 – 10:45   Tea Break

MBTI assessment traces the pattern in behaviour to one of 16 different personality types. We look at this in detail.

10:45 – 12:30   MBTI Team Building Learning Activities

12:30 – 13:30   Lunch

We can recommend interesting and thematic learning venues which provide lunch catering

13:30 – 14:30    Fun Learning on MBTI types  –  Working styles

14:30 – 16:00   Applications of MBTI at work and Effective Communication plus case studies

16:00 – 16:15   MBTI Team

16:15 – 16:45   MBTI Game: Hello or Silo

Powerful game to reinforce learning.  Alternative games may be used.

16:45 – 17:15   MBTI  Team and Self Reflections

The most important part of learning is to consolidate and to reflect on how it applies to each individual and team.

17:15 – 17:30   Strategies to transfer learning back to workplace

How Is Our MBTI Team Building workshop delivered?

All our MBTI training workshops can be delivered via:

  • In person or zoom
  • In ½ day, 1 day, or 2 days
  • Can be delivered as part of a company’s offsite in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam or China. 
  • We can train between 5 to 100 participants for different scales and sizes of workshops

We organise seminars for teams of various stripes, from schools to professionals to managers to CEOs.

Having a better understanding of oneself and one’s coworkers is one of the main benefits of participating in a workshop, since it can lead to deeper engagement, higher communication quality and better teamwork.

A Team-building Workshop’s ultimate goal is to help a group or team work better together and accomplish more. The team will have a shared vocabulary and a structure within which to analyze and improve upon its strengths.

Commonly Asked Questions About MBTI Assessments (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand)

How Much Does The MBTI Assessment cost?
Details can be found in the section below.

Where can I take the official MBTI test?
Only certified MBTI trainers, like 36 HR Training & Consultancy, may purchase the online tests and administer the MBTI tests online before the workshop.

Is MBTI assessment free?
There are unofficial bootleg versions on the internet which we are unable to recommend.

Is this a MBTI certification (Singapore)?
This is not an MBTI certification course, which is only for trainers and coaches.

What Are The Most Common Types of MBTI Assessments?

Step I™ Form M (93 items).The current standard form of the MBTI® assessment and is scored for four-letter type and the preference clarity indexes. Online administration and scoring is available through the publisher, The Myers-Briggs Company. Computer or template scoring is also available. (note: only certified trainers may purchase from the online company)
Step II™ Form Q (144 items).Used to generate a four-letter type and scores on twenty facet scales, with five facets in each of the four primary MBTI dichotomies. The facet results highlight individual differences within type. Used when in-depth individual feedback is needed (e.g., coaching, counseling, executive development, relationship counseling).

Your Investment – How Much Does the MBTI Assessment (Singapore) Cost?

The 3 components that you need to invest in, for a MBTI Team Development workshop, are:

  • The MBTI Assessment (Singapore) Tool fee – this ranges between S$66 to S$122 per participant, depending on the type of tool you use. There are broadly 2 categories of MBTI Assessment tools, namely Step I (also known as Form M) and Step II (also known as Form Q) assessments. Type 1 MBTI Assessment will suffice for half or 1 day workshops. However, Type 2 MBTI assessments are extremely insightful and detailed, hence useful for 1-2 days of workshop or one to one leadership coaching. Contact us for samples of the reports and tell us your needs.
  • Training Fees/course notes for facilitating. Our affordable rates are by per half day or day or for 2 days. We also customise for 2 hour lunch time MBTI Talks.
  • Venue – most of our clients use their own venue and hence there is no venue cost.

Why 36 HR Training and Consultancy

We have been facilitating team building workshops since 2011.  Our master trainer Tan Teck Kim is certified in MBTI, FIRO, FIRO-B, STRONG, Knowdell, Facilitating Career Development and uses these tools to help leaders, professionals, and organisations to achieve personal and team effectiveness.  One of his favourite tools for Team Building and Team Development is MBTI Assessment by Myers Briggs as he has witnessed teams opening up, becoming more self aware and able to identify weaknesses and make plans to progress.

We make learning fun and memorable by facilitating using a variety of techniques, from group discussions to individual reflections, video clips, case studies, learning activities and specially designed learning games.

Tan Teck Kim is a firm believer of lifelong learning and is extremely passionate about people.  His goal is to learn, help and give.  He is most acknowledged for his ability to encourage and inspire. 

MBTI Team Development Activities

36 HR Training & Consultancy uses a variety of fun team building and team development learning activities as well as interesting games to help learners learn to experience during the MBTI Team Building Training Workshops. Below are some examples of simple MBTI Team Development learning activities.

Extraversion-Introversion Team Development Activity – Birthday Party

The following exercise will be suitable for groups of 5 to 8 people:

Myers Briggs Team Building activity on birthday

It’s a good friend’s birthday, and you want to throw them a surprise party.

Discuss in your groups what you would do, such as where you would hold the party, what kinds of entertainment you would provide, and anything else you would like to happen.

Allow the groups about 10 mins to play the party and then have each group describe their party to the other groups.

Questions to Ask

  • How simple was it to make party decisions?
  • Are they themselves excited about the party?
  • Are the opposite type groups excited about the party?
  • How different groups of people would react to parties planned by others?


This is where the fun is. The extroverts typically will use words like “fun”, “interesting”, “outdoors”, to describe their idea of an ideal party. The introverts on the other hand, tend to use words like “quiet”, “indoor” to describe their ideal party. The participants will have a ‘revelation’ of what they want could be very different from what the birthday person wants.

It is also worthwhile to discuss with the participants to consider this insight that the preferences can be so different and how this insight would affect their decision making or communication with the ‘opposite’ MBTI type from themselves.

Ok let’s move to the next fun MBTI Team development game.

Sensing-Intuition Team Development Activity – Apple

Talk about an Apple

Fun Team Building Activity on Sensing Intuition using Apple

As a prop, bring an Apple to the MBTI team building session. Show the apple to the participants and ask the participants to write for 2 minutes about it.

The Apple Experiment in Sensing and Intuition

Sensing types will typically write a description based on their senses (what they can see, hear, taste, and touch). Read the sensing student examples below, and then have the sensing students in the class read what they have written. They will frequently provide apple facts.

Then read the examples from intuitive students below. Then, request that intuitive types read what they have written. These types frequently go beyond the facts to describe associations with apples. They rarely just describe the apple’s physical characteristics.

When giving instructions for this exercise, use caution. If you ask students to describe the apple, they will all focus on the description rather than using their intuition. Remember that some students are combination personalities, so they may describe the apple in both sensing and intuitive ways. It is beneficial to provide examples of sensing type responses and to inquire whether any sensing types wrote similar responses. Apply the same logic to intuitive responses. This exercise can be done with any other object. Any fruit is appropriate for this exercise because you can describe it using all of your senses and add any creative insights.


  • Ask participants what differences they have observed between Sensing Participants and Intuition participants.
  • Ask participants to relate these differences at work and how they have managed
  • Invite participants to think about how to engage the opposite type taking into account the differences

Here are some examples of what my sensing participants wrote about the apple:

The apple is red and yellow in colour. It has a small stem and does not appear to be fully ripe. It has a sticker on it and is quite small.

The apple is yellow, red, round, delicious, and nutritious. It has a pleasant aroma and flavour.

The apple is red, yellow, and almost gold in colour. One side is red and gradually blends into the yellow. The stem has a 90-degree bend in it. One side is significantly larger than the other.

Here are some of the things intuitive participants in my class wrote about apples:

Apple can feed, but it can also kill, as demonstrated by the wicked godmother’s use of it to choke Snow White.

Apple is a symbol of invention, as Steve Jobs used to portray it.

Based on the above insight, you can ask the participants how this impacts their work in the office.

Let’s go on to the next MBTI activity on Thinking-Feeling.

Thinking-Feeling Team Development Activity – Workplace Question

Give the following instructions to the participants:

Fun Team Building Activity for Thinking-Feeling

You’ve been invited to lunch with a new employee. He or she inquires,

“What makes this such a great place to work?”

How do you respond?

Take five minutes to brainstorm 4-5 responses with your group.


Request that the groups share their responses, noting how their responses tend to demonstrate the values associated with their respective types. Thinkers are more likely to notice opportunities for advancement and personal achievement, high earning potential, or the company’s market standing. Feelers are more likely to notice a positive company culture, helpful coworkers, or a charitable company mission.

  • Ask participants what differences they have observed between Thinking Participants and Feeling participants.
  • Ask participants to relate these differences at work and how they have managed
  • Invite participants to think about how to engage the opposite type taking into account the differences

Let’s progress to the next MBTI Team building activity on Judging-Perceiving and have some fun!

Judging-Perceiving Team Development Activity – Workplace Question

This activity can be completed by each participant individually.  Instructions:

MBTI Team Building activity on Judging Perceving

You suddenly inherited $20,000 due to the passing of a distant relative.

What are you going to do with the money? How do you make your decision?

Allow 5 minutes for participants to list what they would do with the windfall, and then ask participants from both the Judging and Perceiving types to share their responses.


Answers frequently reveal Judging type to be responsible, organized, and intentional with money and Perceiving type’s tendency to be more spontaneous or to gamble or invest the money in order to make more.

This blog will be regularly updated to reflect more free Myers Briggs activities as well as how to use MBTI learning activities for your MBTI Team Building workshop.

Readers who read this blog post on MBTI Team Building activities are also interested in our MBTI Resource on