Why Personality Behavioural Profiling is important and increasingly gaining recognition in the corporate world?
About 80 million people complete a personality test each year. Are you benefitting from it?
Approximately 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Personality Profiling assessments to help them build stronger, more effective teams and more balanced teams. Is your company doing this?
Human beings are the driving force behind any enterprise, and an increasing number of businesses are awakening to the fact that enhancing the efficiency with which their teams operate can yield enormous gains. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, such as by encouraging open lines of communication and fostering a positive, productive atmosphere.
Personality Profiling Workshops Singapore
Businesses can engage with their employees as individuals and recognize their unique needs by using Personality Profiling Assessment and training. This enables them to elicit the best performance from each member of the team. If you know how to explain your ideas to anyone in the organization and how they prefer to hear them, you will be able to create cohesive groups, encourage more communication and cooperation among workers, and boost output.
Generally Personality Profiling Training, such as MBTI, DiSC, FIRO-B, Colored Brain, can yield the following benefits:
Deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, your blind points and how to make them work for you, leading to greater personal effectiveness.
Gain awareness of other people personalities with the result of being better able to understand their behaviours, and avoid conflicts. When we conduct our Personality Profiling sessions, we often have insightful and fun learning activities that showcase sources of conflicts due to personality differences, and consider strategies to avoid or work through conflicts.
Improve quality of communication: Knowing each other personality types through Personality Profiling Tests or Profiling Assessments, you learn how to speak the same language of your counterpart leading to better connection and communication.
Better teamwork: Our fun team building sessions and games help to draw out the strengths and weakness of every employee and how diversity of a team may contribute to higher quality decisions, or more creative or productive performance.
Improve leadership: Leaders and Managers with ability to understand their team members have better empathy. A Personality Profiling Training workshop can help leaders and managers to better understand their team members and discover what motivates them, how they make decisions and communicate, and how to engage them.
Better Recruitment: Whilst we stress during our Personality Profiling workshops that many of such Personality Assessment tools are not for use in recruitment, some tools give insights on diversity or the lack of, which managers can tap on such insights for their recruitment.
It’s no wonder that the Personality Testing industry reached $2.3 billion in 2019. According to Dr. Howard B. Esbin, the CEO of All Star Teams, Personality Profiling Assessments will increase to $6.5 billion by 2027.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-assessment test, also known as a self report inventory, designed to identify a person’s personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung’s theory of personality types. Today, the MBTI inventory is one of the world’s most widely used psychological instruments.
It gives you a framework to develop a clearer sense of self-awareness and awareness of others, and as a result you’re able to better frame decisions, reduce miscommunication, and understand personal needs more effectively. It gives you insights on where you get your energy (Extravert-Introvert), what types of information you need to make decisions (Sensing-Intuition), how you make decisions (Thinking-Feeling), and how you deal with the world (Juding-Perceiving).
With the help of our professional certified MBTI Coach and Facilitator, the participants will be able to discover their own and other people behaviour preferences and use their skills to improve relationship and communication among each other and other people they interact with.
The MBTI training is also a powerful tool for teambuilding and leadership development and coaching. In fact, MBTI Team Building workshops (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia) is one of the most sought after programmes by 36 HR Training & Consultancy.
The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-BehaviorTM, or FIRO-B® Test, was developed in response to the need to understand and predict how high-performance military teams would collaborate during World War II. William Shutz’s theory’s basic premise was simple: “people need people,” and people’s interpersonal needs motivate their behaviors.
Schutz’s research led him to the conclusion that an individual’s interpersonal needs could be summed up into the three foundational areas of the FIRO-B test:
Affection, Inclusion, and Control and the added dimensions of Expressed vs Wanted.
During our FIRO-B® Team Building workshops, we demonstrate the value of value FIRO-B Personality Profiling as follows:
It reveals how interpersonal needs drive people’s behaviour.
It shapes people’s ability to build trust, influence others, and create productive relationships.
It facilitates the formation and reengagement of teams.
It highlights perceptual gaps that may inadvertently derail relationships.
The DiSC® model provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.
DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.
People with D personalities tend to be confident and place an emphasis on accomplishing bottom-line results.
People with i personalities tend to be more open and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing or persuading others.
People with S personalities tend to be dependable and place the emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.
People with C personalities tend to place the emphasis on quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.
Everything DiSC also measures priorities (the words around the circle), providing more nuanced and memorable feedback in profiles.
During our DiSC Team Building Workshops, we show you how individuals and organizations can benefit from DiSC profiles in the following ways:
Enhance your self-awareness and comprehension of your communication preferences.
How you handle conflict
What keeps you going?
What stresses you out?
What method you use to solve problems
Learn how you make decisions.
Learn how to use the People-Reading process to identify DiSC styles.
Put in place actionable strategies to encourage team interactions.
Increase your leadership influence by learning new skills.
Improve your sales skills by recognizing and responding to customer communication styles.
Understanding what motivates and stresses employees and team members allows managers to manage more effectively.
Understanding human thought and personal rapport can be a powerful tool for improving both work and personal relationships. Have you ever wondered why there is so much miscommunication and why some people misinterpret the message you’re attempting to convey? This is due to the fact that we all process information differently. “Colored brain processing” helps us understand the four genetic ways of processing information. In this course, ‘Colored Brain: Gateway to Improving Communication Skills at Work,’ we will teach you how to take your interpersonal communication skills to the next level.
What does a Red, Blue, Green or Purple Colored Brain mean?
Participants will learn how to overcome common psychological barriers, identify their own colored brain, and discover how each ‘Colored Brain’ works during this one-day Colored Brain Team Building workshop. Participants will also learn how to master working relationships with people of all different colors.
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