ESTP: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

ESTP personality types are energetic, enthusiastic and easily adaptable, and like to make work fun.

Note: This is a resource page on ESTP - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator identifies 16 personality types, including ESTP (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) (MBTI). This personality type is often described as outgoing, action-oriented, and dramatic. ESTPs, also known as Entrepreneurs and Dynamos, are outgoing people who enjoy socializing with a diverse group of friends and acquaintances. They are more concerned with the here and now and are more likely to focus on details rather than taking a broader perspective.

These people have a logical personality. They place a higher value on objectivity than on personal feelings when making decisions. ESTPs dislike being constrained by excessive planning. They prefer to improvise and keep their options open.

MBTI Team Building workshop - ESTP explanation

Madonna is a singer, songwriter, and actress with an ESTP personality type according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Madonna has an ESTP personality type and consequently demonstrates extroversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving traits. Madonna is outgoing, practical, confident, impatient, and energetic due to her ESTP traits.

According to psychologist David Keirsey, creator of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, 4—10% of people have an ESTP personality. It is thought to be one of the most prevalent personality types.

ESTP Key Characteristics

ESTPs have a number of characteristics that stem from their proclivity to be extraverted sensors. They are usually decisive thinkers with excellent interpersonal skills. ESTPs are also prone to:

Make quick decisions: When faced with a problem, people with this personality type look at the facts and devise an immediate solution. Instead of spending a lot of time planning, they prefer to improvise.

Prefer the practical over the abstract: ESTPs aren’t big on abstract theories or concepts. They are more practical, preferring straightforward information that they can rationally consider and act on right away.

They have strong social skills: because they are very observant, often picking up on details that other people miss. Others describe them as “fast-talkers” who are extremely persuasive. They frequently appear to be a few steps ahead of the conversation in social settings.

At times, act rashly: ESTPs are not planners. They react in the moment and are frequently impulsive or risk-taking. This ‘leap before they look’ mentality can be problematic at times, leading them to say or do things they later regret.

ESTPs’ Personal Relationships
ESTPs gain energy from being around other people because they are extraverts. People with this personality type are seen as fun, friendly, and charming in social situations.

People skills:  ESTPs are not only excellent communicators, but they also have a natural ability to perceive and interpret nonverbal communication.
ESTPs are not only excellent communicators, but they also have a natural ability to perceive and interpret nonverbal communication.

Difficulty committing: While ESTPs are great with people, they prefer to live in the moment, which can make it difficult for them to commit to a relationship. They may find it difficult to consider long-term plans because they are so focused on the present.
They may find it difficult to consider long-term plans because they are so focused on the present.

Can appear insensitive: ESPTs can have difficulty tuning in to what others are thinking or feeling. As a result, they may say things that are perceived as insensitive and may have to work harder to pay attention to their friends and partners.

ESTP Strengths
ESTPs inspire others by injecting energy into situations. They approach problems with common sense and experience, quickly determining what is wrong and then resolving it, often in an inventive or resourceful manner.

Potential ESTP development areas
People with ESTP personalities may struggle with time management and may lose interest in long, complex projects. Because they are so focused on immediate problems, they may ignore long-term systemic problems, and they may be uncomfortable discussing or focusing on relationships.

ESTP Career Opportunities

According to the MBTI, certain personality types may have preferences and strengths that align them with specific careers.

People with an ESTP personality type feel energized when they interact with a wide range of people, so they excel in jobs that require them to collaborate with others. They dislike routine and monotony, so jobs that are fast-paced are ideal.

ESTPs have a variety of personality traits that make them well-suited for certain careers. Because of their strong interpersonal skills, ESTPs excel in sales and marketing careers.

ESTPs like to take risks, manage crises, and put out fires. They perform best when surrounded by active, task-oriented people in a fast-paced, project-focused environment. ESTPs are likely to be drawn to careers in security, agriculture, manufacturing, and marketing.

They are ideal for first-responder positions that require quick thinking and quick responses, such as emergency medical personnel and police officers, because they are action-oriented and resourceful.

Contact us for MBTI Leadership Development or MBTI Team Building Workshop or MBTI LunchTime Talk or one to one Executive Coaching

To find out more about MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!