ENFP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving

ENFP personality types are energetic and motivational.

This is a resource page on ENFP - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

Extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving personality traits. The ENFP personality type is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator types (MBTI).

ENFPs are known for being enthusiastic, charismatic, charming, energetic, and self-sufficient. Because ENFPs are creative, they thrive in environments that allow them to create and innovate. Famous ENFPs include Will Smith, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Ellen DeGeneres, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Aniston (picture below)

ENFP Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Famous actress and producer, well-known for her work in popular sitcoms such as (Friends) and movies like (Horrible Bosses, Just Go With It, The Break-Up, and We’re the Millers)

Key ENFP Characteristics

ENFPs are excellent communicators. In addition to their boundless energy, they genuinely care about others and are adept at understanding how others are feeling. This makes them appealing to be around.

ENFPs can make excellent leaders due to their zeal, charisma, and creativity. They are adaptable and prefer to have options. ENFPs can be impulsive and adaptable to change.
People with the ENFP personality type dislike routine and prefer to think about the future.  
They are easily distracted, especially when working on something that appears to be boring or uninteresting.

While ENFPs excel at coming up with new ideas, their weaknesses include procrastinating on important tasks and being disorganized. An ENFP is prone to having great ideas but failing to see them through to completion.

ENFPs’ Strengths

Moving quickly from one project to the next, ENFPs are open to almost any possibility and frequently develop multiple solutions to a problem. New people and experiences rev up their energy.

ENFPs’ potential development areas

ENFPs may not follow through on decisions or projects and may burn out as a result of over-committing or following every possibility. They may also struggle to establish priorities.

ENFP Personal Relationships

ENFPs are extraverts, which means they enjoy socializing with others.
They are naturally upbeat and gregarious as extraverts. Socializing actually boosts an ENFP’s energy levels, allowing them to feel more renewed, refreshed, and excited about life.

While other types of extraverts dislike solitude, ENFPs require some alone time. This allows them to think and reflect.

ENFPs are typically warm and passionate in relationships. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their partnerships and grow. ENFPs are also known to be alert and spontaneous. Their willingness to take risks can be stressful for those who love them at times.

ENFP Compatibility

Personality types that are most compatible with an ENFP are INTJ and INFJ, which could lead to a good relationship or marriage. ENFPs are the least compatible with an ISTP, but they can also clash with an ESTJ, ISTJ, or ISFJ.

ENFP Career Opportunities

ENFP personalities thrive in jobs that allow for a great deal of flexibility
 ENFPs excel in service-oriented careers because they are empathetic and interested in people. They may benefit from avoiding jobs that require them to complete a large number of detailed, routine tasks.

ENFPs thrive in environments that encourage and reward creativity, foster teamwork, and provide opportunities to collaborate with a diverse range of people, particularly those who can support and enlighten them. ENFPs are drawn to jobs in coaching and development, teaching, religious callings, and the creative arts. Jobs suitable include actor, dancer/choreographer, interpreter, creative director, reporter, author, training specialist, college professor, animal trainer, psychologist, sociologist, nutritionist etc.

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To find out more about 16 MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!