How Your MBTI Assessment Can Help You In Your Presentation Skills

Learn how to overcome fear of public speaking

Mankind’s no. 1 Fear – Public Speaking. Your MBTI Insights can help you.

It’s a well known fact that public speaking is mankind’s no. 1 fear.  Fear of death comes second.  This means that people would rather die than to speak.  However, one of the most important career differentiating skills is Presentation Skills, and the ability to Communicate, Engage and Connect.  That’s why public speaking courses and presentations skills training courses are extremely popular, and always remain in demand.

For those who attend my Presentations Skills Training (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) courses, they get the benefit of what I am about to share here: How You Can Make Use of Your MBTI Insights to help you present.  To recap, read on 16 MBTI Types of Personalities (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) and briefly we have:

  • Extravert vs Introvert: Where you direct your energy
  • Sensing vs Intuition: What info you want
  • Thinking vs Feeling: How you make your decisions
  • Judging vs Perceiving: How you interact with the world

Now let’s talk about your presentations, and how MBTI insights, assuming you have done an MBTI Assessment or MBTI online test, can help you with your speeches and public speaking skills:

Broadly, let’s divide your presentation into 4 parts:

1. Setting Objectives for your Presentation

Some of my Effective Presentations Skills Course participants set extremely elaborate objectives detailing every nook and corner they are going to navigate.  It’s important to set CLEAR objectives, and I always advise my participants to ask themselves what is the 1 thing they must achieve. Yes prioritise your objectives for your next public speaking exercise.

Presentations Skills Training Singapore objectives

Set Clear Objectives for Your Presentations. Beware of how your MBTI Personality Type might affect how you set objectives!

From my experience, I notice those Sensing type of participants tend to be extremely diligent but also sometimes too elaborate in their objectives, whilst the Intuition type of participants tend to be very outcome focussed.  There’s no right nor wrong – but my advice is: If you are Sensing, check that you are not too detailed in objectives setting resulting in too many objectives that can cloud your planning – make sure if you have 10 or whatever objectives, have an overriding 1 Presentation Objective you must achieve.  If you are Intuition type, check that objectives are not too visionary and unrelatable to your speech.

2. Design of Your Presentation Speech Contents

Sensing audience want details, whilst Intuition clients can be excited by possibilities. Judging audience want structure, whilst Perceiving Audience are happy with spontaneity.  So what does this mean for you when you design your speech?

Presentations Skills Training Course Outline

Design Your Course Contents using MBTI Insights – What Kinds of Information Your Clients Want? Are they Sensing or Intuition?

If you are talking to Intuition clients for eg, paint a vision of the outcomes for them.  If you are speaking to Sensing clients, avoid speaking from 10,000 feet vision.  Talk to them from where they are, they problems they face, and how to get to where you want them to be – in short, don’t just pain possibilities, talk about practicalities as well.  Adjust the balance of  practicalities and details, vs possibilities and benefits in your speeches based on your knowledge of the clients/audience. 

3. Improve Your Buy In and Persuasion Techniques

If your audience are mostly logical Thinkers, use logic.  If they are Feelers, please do address the empathy elements in your speech. For eg, if you are speaking about Purchasing A Machine That Costs $1m, and you need buy in from your clients.  Consider speaking to the Thinkers about the problems they will face as a result of not purchasing (logic).  Or Consider speaking to the Feelers the positive impact to the people due to purchasing the machine, or the negative impact to people due to inaction.

4. Match Your Communication Style With the Audience’s (Your Clients)

Make sure you try to match your communication style with the audience’s.

match your communication styles

Match your communication style with your clients’ style. Consider how MBTI insights can help you

If you have a fairly muted audience, eg all Introverted, do consider not over elevating your tone and exaggerating your facial expressions or body language.  Ensure the venue allows for quiet deliberations. On the other hand, if you have a highly extraverted audience, think about what you can do in your presentations to match that energy.

Consider all these in your rehearsal techniques, which we teach in our Public Speaking Courses in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

5. To summarise, it’s being aware of your natural tendencies, adjusting your style to maximise impact of your presentations by matching your contents, delivery style, and persuasion towards your audience/clients.  Afterall, it’s well know that “people like those who are like them.”

Some of you might question: “But I don’t know my audience!”  Sometimes when you are in such a situation, it is helpful to research before hand who you are speaking to.  What they do as a profession can also give you a glimpse of what they might be like. Eg, an Operations staff might be more likely to be detailed (Sensing), structured (Judging), compared to say a group of sales persons (Extraverted).  It’s not always accurate, but at least you can surmise a guess if your research doesn’t produce much info about your audience/clients.

I hope the above presentation tips are interesting and useful for you. You may also read up on other presentation tips resources here:

If you haven’t done any MBTI Assessment or attended any MBTI workshops, do consider contacting 36 HR Training & Consultancy. Or contact us for one-to-one coaching on Public Speaking to prepare for your next major presentation!

5 Ways To Improve Your Presentation Skills and Become An Engaging Speaker

how to improve presentation skills training

Welcome To HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS (SINGAPORE) by TK Tan, Public Speaking Coach – Self Help Presentation Skills Training Guide

As a public speaking and presentation skills coach, the most common questions I get asked by leaders, professionals and managers are :

1. How to become more engaging in my presentations?
2. How can I become more interesting as a speaker?
3. How do I lose my nervous energy and gain confidence as a presenter?
(in short, how to overcome my fear of public speaking?)
4. How to improve my presentation skills?
(or how to improve my public speaking skills)
5. How to inspire my audience so that they remember my message and take action?

I have prepared the answers to the above questions through the 5 power tips below.

Presentation Skills Training Tip 1 : Focus On Your Audience, Not Yourself

How to improve my presentation skillsRemember that your audience is there to NOT to hear you sell your ideas.  They are looking for a solution through the information you present.  They are vested in your success and excited about what you have to say IF you what you share is related to their problems and needs.  By focusing on them, and what you plan to share, your focus becomes the audience’s needs and not how perfect your diction is or how you sound.

To prepare and improve on your presentation skills – start researching on your audience.  Find out what their deeper needs are. This approach your take answers the questions : How To Connect with the Audience and How Do I Become More Engaging?


Presentation Skills Training Tip 2 : How To Be An Interesting Speaker – Live Life!

For those who want to improve their public speaking skills and become a more interesting speaker, ask yourself – are you an interesting person?  Check out this video below on How To Be An Interesting Speaker :

Here comes a VERY IMPORTANT Presentation Skills Tip which many of my leaders, who are coached by me, find useful :

To be an interesting person – be bold, be daring, be adventurous.  Are you living life fully? Here’s a very useful tip for you :  Make it a point to try a different experience every month – be it helping out at old folks’ homes, or going skydiving.  These experiences give you depth and they can be stories you use in your presentations! That’s how you improve as a presenter and public speaker!


Presentation Skills Training Tip 3 : Master Your Rehearsal Techniques

Most presenters when asked, say they spend 90% of time on preparing slides, and remaining 10% on rehearsal and logistics.  This is fundamentally flawed, and it clearly shows why people lack confidence.

To answer the question : How To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking? – there are many factors to consider, but the very obvious one is the ‘under-attention’ to rehearsals and practice.

Famous sprinters, swimmers and athletes will tell you that to improve their timing by 1 or 2 seconds means many extra hours and months of practice.  Yes, that’s right.  There’s no short cut.

When I coach many leaders and presenters on their next public speaking assignment, one of the things I asked them to change is to increase the rehearsal time.  Change the ratio from preparation time/rehearsal time to 1 : 9 instead of 9 : 1.  You get that?

That’s how you can drammatically improve your presentation skills.  Check out the video below on How To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and How To Improve Your Presentation Skills


Presentation Skills Training Tip 4 : How To Improve My Presentation Skills?

Many people who attend my publicly run courses “Dynamic Public Speaking Course in Singapore” and “Effective Presentation Skills in Singapore” – when asked, do not really know what their strengths and weaknesses are.

Whether it is how to overcome your fear of public speaking, how to be interesting as a presenter, how to improve your vocal identity and projection, how to be engaging, how to use pauses, how to improve your executive presence…  many are unclear.

You need an unbiased professional diagnosis of your situation so that you need to know exactly what to improve upon in presenting.

Get a public speaking coach to be coached personally, or attend public speaking courses such as those by British Council Singapore, Toastmaster course Singapore, HighSpark Pte Ltd – Presentation Skills Training and Consulting, or Effective Presentation Skills Training Course (2 days) by 36 HR Training and Consultancy.   Alternatively, if budget is a concern, get yourself recorded on video and watch yourself.   Investing in yourself is the most important investment you make – so you won’t regret!

►►Recommended reading : How To Speak Like Steve Jobs

Presentation Skills Training Tip 5 : How To Inspire Your Audience – Start Telling This!

Do you know that most leaders and great speakers, like President Obama, Steve Jobs – use something that many managers might not, in their speeches to inspire?

A very senior manager I have recently coached mentioned that he prefers to sticks to the facts, as they are clear-cut, and nobody can challenge him.  And he won’t go wrong.  As a result, his speeches are dry, and matter of fact, with little room to connect him to the audience emotionally.  Like him, many speakers might unknowingly deprive themselves on the chance to inspire their audiences.

To inspire your audience, and improve your presentation skills, start telling stories.

That’s right – tell stories.  Stories connect you with audiences.

Do you know when you share facts and date, only 2 parts of the human brain are activated and engaged, BUT if you tell stories, 7 parts of the human brain are activated?

In all my Effective Presentation Skills Training workshops and Impactful Presentation Courses, I stress on telling stories.  In my personal coaching sessions for leaders and professionals, I stress on telling stories.  Get your stories right and you start inspiring your audience.

This article on Self Help on Presentation Skills Training – How To Improve Presentations – is written by corporate trainer, MBTI coach and public speaking coach, Tan Teck Kim (aka TK Tan – he can be reached here)

Recommended Reading : Case Studies of Effective Presentation Course Participants

Useful Presentation Skills Training Resources

Presentation Skills Training Resources

Look out for more articles on Effective Presentation Training Tips coming your way, here on

►►If you would like to be coached personally – check out this page on Executive One-to-One coaching on Presentation Skills and Public Speaking

►►If you would like to attend our Public Speaking Course / workshops, check out this page on Effective Presentation Skills Training Singapore or Impactful Presentations Workshop.

How To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking and Give A Great Presentation

Public Speaking Course Singapore Training Workshop

1. Public Speaking Training Tip 1 –
Recognise the true source of your fear
. Is not knowing what will happen when you are in front of people, giving your speech or presentation?  Your fear of public speaking is not that you don’t know your topic. It is the uncertainty of outcome – not knowing what will happen when you step to the podium or stage.

  • Most of the time when I coach professionals on public speaking – the most commonly cited fear of public speaking is caused by fear of being judged, making a costly mistake,  or the lack of self confidence because of the comparisons with better speakers you see on TV.  If you are coming from an authentic place, and you cover the material with clarity and sincerity, you’ve won 75% of your inner battle with fear.

Public Speaking Course Singapore Outline

2. Public Speaking Training Tip 2 –
Be Comfortable and Share :
Whenever you feel uncomfortable about a presentation, it’s invariably because there’s a slide with something on it that you don’t really believe, or that you’re putting in to achieve a certain result or reaction from the audience.  Sometimes you get stuck on phrasing things a certain way so that your listeners will think a certain way. On many occasions, I met many managers ‘inherit’ slides from bosses or colleagues and sometimes are not comfortable with certain messages but they simply keep the old sleek looking slides because the messages sound professional even though they don’t sound right.

  • My advice, for those who have attended my Public Speaking Course (in Singapore and Malaysia) and Impactful Presentations Skills Training Workshop (in Singapore and Asia) especially when you’re starting out, is to avoid keeping every slide that you have inherited, and instead adopt the mindset to share rather than to impress. The most important thing is to be comfortable with your material, and to feel like you’re genuinely sharing how you feel about whatever subject it is you’re talking about. The last thing you want to do is to be trying too hard to make sure that you phrase things in just the right way and everything is perfect. When you let go of trying to be perfect, and just try to honestly share what you know it lowers the stress level of public speaking or delivering a presentation immensely.

Improve Public Speaking Skills

3. Public Speaking Training Tip 3 –
Spend MORE Time in Rehearsing :
Are you one of those who can spend hours and days or weeks to prepare the materials for your presentations or public speaking, but neglect to spend sufficient time on your rehearsals?  Perhaps the most important piece of advice I would give to professionals who aspire to improve their public speaking skills is this :

  • Don’t be fooled.
    A final note: even the best “impromptu” presentations are rehearsed. Mark Twain, as the story goes, was fond of saying, “It takes 3 weeks to prepare a good impromptu talk.” And Winston Churchill, one of history’s greatest leaders and speakers, was thought to spend as much time preparing and rehearsing his “impromptu” remarks as he did on his formal speeches.

In my Effective Presentations Training Workshop, you will learn how to rehearse using power techniques like Key Messages, Verbalisation and Visualisation

Public Speaking Training Singapore

4. Public Speaking Training Tip 4 –
Do not be Afraid To Pause frequently. 
The true story of King George VI reveals that the kind suffers from stuttering.  In the movie,  “The King’s Speech,” one of the successful strategies the speech therapist deploys to help the king overcome his stuttering is the use of pauses. Pausing helped the king regain his composure whenever he was gripped by anxiety.  It is natural to feel anxious when public speaking, therefore do consider pausing more frequently.  To reduce your fear of public speaking and improve your public speaking skills – consider a few strategic pauses between key messages to experience a calming effect. 

Public Speaking Course in Singapore

5. Public Speaking Training Tip 5 –
Get Used to the audience expressions – Fast!
  You will definitely become more anxious when you misinterpret the audience’s facial expression.  In daily conversations, we’re used to getting feedback from the listener – an occasional smile or a nod that signals approval. This however is different when are are presenting or public speaking, audiences listen differently.  Audiences are more likely to give the speaker an ‘unexplainable’ blank stare, which doesn’t mean they don’t like or disagree with what they hear.  More often than not, it simply means they’re focussed on listening to the message. This is especially true of audience members who are introverted.  So don’t be too affected by expressionless faces of the audience even when you think you have given your all.

Singapore Public Speaking Course

I have coached many professionals and managers in the areas of how to overcome nerves and fear of public speaking, and to improve their public speaking skills, BUT I have met a greater number of people who kept enquiring for months and took NO action to attend any Public Speaking Courses or Effective Presentations Training (Singapore, Malaysia, Asia).  They would ask a long list of questions such as – which is the best public speaking training out there, are toastmasters Singapore courses helpful, who is the best public speaking coach (in Singapore, Asia, Malaysia), how to improve public speaking, are courses offered by British Council Singapore effective for public speaking, how do Presentation Skills Training Courses offered by 36 HR Training and Consultancy compare with Dale Carnegie’s Effective Presentation Skills Training courses, and what are the best public speaking courses BUT after asking for months, they remain exactly in the status quo mode and did not take any action to attend any Presentation Skills Training or Public Speaking courses.

Best Public Speaking Coach Singapore

Stop justifying why you should delay overcoming your fear of public speaking.  Stop the excuse on why you haven’t progressed in your career because you suffer from stage fright.  Take MASSIVE action today to discover :

  • how to overcome your shyness,
  • how to overcome fear of people
  • how to fear of failure
  • how not to be nervous about public speaking
  • how to IMPROVE your public speaking skills and take your business and career to the next level

Contact Tan Teck Kim, Director of 36 HR Training & Consultancy, Public Speaking Coach (Singapore, Malaysia, Asia) to learn how to overcome your fear of public speaking, and to deliver Impactful and Effective Presentations.  Start connecting with your audience, and stop fearing them.

Email :


Register here for the next Impactful Presentation Skills Training (Singapore) workshop

About Tan Teck Kim, Master Trainer
Tan Teck Kim is trained in NLP,  is a certified MBTI trainer and coach, and is also a certified FIRO and FIRO-B Trainer and coach.  He helps professionals, business managers, managing directors to differentiate themselves through their personal brand and ability to persuade.  He also conducts corporate in house training programmes such as : Communication Skills Training, Effective Presentation Skills Training, Team Building using MBTI, Team Building and Team Bonding.

Impactful Presentation Skills Training – Real Life Case Studies

Welcome To Our Impactful Presentation Skills Training (Singapore and Malaysia) – Real Life Case Studies Series

Presentation Skills Training Singapore Workshop

1.  Impactful Presentation Skills Training (Malaysia) Case Study – A Musician

Milton is articulate, suave and smooth as a presenter – reason : He’s a trained musician who performs regularly on stage and hence knows how to command attention.  What surprises him is that his audience often couldn’t relate to him – during the July 2015 Impactful Presentations Skills Workshop in Singapore, this is what we discovered when Milton delivered his 3 minute presentation :

  • Milton spoke passionately about Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce and how new music trends are like.  The audience could feel his passion but not a single one understood him.  The challenge Milton didn’t realise :  The audience happened to be in their forties, whilst Milton, a 20-something trained musician, was using a language that never in his mind that others could not understand.

Impactful Presentations Skills Training Course in Singapore

  • When I coached Milton one to one on his presentation skills, I suggested that he could consider using terms like Taylor Swift is the Celine Dion of 90s, whilst Beyonce is like the Toni Braxton of the 90s.  Milton’s biggest takeaway from the Impactful Presentation Skills Training Workshop is realising that what’s very obvious to him is not obvious to his audience, and when presenting or public speaking, he needs to tailor his language and communication style to suit the audience.


2. Impactful Presentation Skills Training Case Study – A Renovations Company

The directors and staff of a Singapore based renovations company attended the in house customised Impactful Presentations Skills Workshop in Aug 2015.  Their problem was how to differentiate themselves from their competitors as they had to present during tenders.  Some of the key issues I uncovered for them include :

Presentations Skills Training in Singapore

  • Presentation Slides :  designed and created by the company’s secretary and not any of the speakers.  The slides had over 5 types of fonts of varying sizes and shapes, and some of the fonts are similar to story books of children.  The slides had different looks and feel throughout.  I advised them to standardize the corporate look and to adopt their corporate (eg logo) colours. I also advised them to use at most 2 types of font, and to adopt fonts that are more commonly used by corporations eg Arial, Tahoma
  • Contents : They had endless number of points on multiple slides,  which I consider ‘motherhood’ statements – anything that anyone could have dug out from google research, such as “we are very professional, we are trustworthy”….  They was no meaning, nor underlying story to support any of these statements. Anyone could have said those statements and they don’t add any value to the audience.   I advised them to carefully contemplate what really made their clients choose to work with them, and why they are successful,  and to limit these to about 3-5 points, with supporting evidence and short stories of clients’ work and successes. In short, study and carefully craft out their unique selling proposition with short stories or evidence.

They worked hard at it, and they came back 2 weeks later with another group in house presentation skills training (in Singapore)  – their story and their selling proposition was significantly strengthened, and we could then focus on their delivery styles. Their journey to learning how to deliver will be featured in another post in this website.

Singapore Presentations Skills Training Workshop

3. Train The Trainers – Impactful Presentation Skills Training Case Study on Training Company

In 2015, this education company organised an in house  Effective Presentation Skills Training Workshop for their training staff – they create materials and train teachers and educators.  Most of them are  articulate and confident.

Their challenge was how to make it interesting for their audience who are teachers, who are used to taking the lead in public speaking in classes.  The advice I shared with these trainers of teachers was :

Images For Presentation Skills Training in Singapore

  • Not to just focus on their training materials and contents.  Instead focus on their audience problems and find an angle, through their materials,  to solve these problems.  Only then would the audience be interested.  We brainstormed on the problems of these trainers’ audience, who are teachers – and the results were really interesting.  For eg, some listed  ‘children’ as key issues, whilst others listed ‘parents’ of the teachers as being the source of challenge for teachers.  So we discussed ways to resolve common issues relating to parents.  That 10-minute segment got my trainers (participants) so excited – it was a good illustration of how as a speaker, I solved their (these trainers’ problem) and gained their respect and attention.  The trainers discovered how they (trainers) could likewise use the same technique to arouse interest in their audience (teachers).

For more tips to improve your Public Speaking Skills in Singapore, check out the following articles :

Are you seeking to be a more confident presenter so that you can impress the people you want to impress?
Are you hoping to improve your public speaking skills because you have lost many business opportunities?
Are you seeking an in-house customised presentation skills training workshop for your team?

Singapore Presentation Skills Training Course

Contact Tan Teck Kim, master trainer of 36 HR Training & Consultancy.  He has run public speaking workshops, organised in-house presentation skills training sessions for companies, educational institutions and has trained in asia – including Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore.  He has trained and coached managing directors, economists, civil service executives, engineers, marketing professionals and housing agents.  He is also a trained MBTI coach, MBTI Trainer, FIRO and FIRO-B Trainer and Coach who helps professionals, managers and leaders maximise their effectiveness and communication styles. He also uses MBTI, FIRO, FIRO-B, Colored Brain Communication to help teams and professionals improve communication and enhance communication effectiveness.

Contact Tan Teck Kim today if you too wish to improve your confidence and start connecting with your audience.

Email :

Our Presentation Skills Training Methodology :  We use presentation skills training videos, provide you with presentation skills training materials (usually in pdf format)   Check out one of the many types of presentation skills coaching videos we used during our training workshops :


Learn Public Speaking Skills From Steve Jobs

Public Speaking Course Singapore - Steve Jobs

Did Steve Jobs ever attend any Public Speaking Course or Effective Presentations Course?  What makes his presentations so compelling that audiences repeatedly crave for more?  How did he introduce his revolutionary products with revolutionary public speaking skills?

While even the most skilled and effective presenters simply convey information, Jobs also inspires. He impactfully sells the steak and the sizzle at the same time, as one reader commented a few years ago.

Let’s take a look at his defining 2007 speech when he introduced iPhone and see what we can learn from his public speaking skills.  If you are seeking to improve your public speaking skills – you can watch it in full (about 10 minutes) and then later watch bits of the video which relate to various Public Speaking Tips :

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 1 :
Start with a quote or statement that causes your audience to ponder.  Steve skillfully introduced his speech with this : “Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything.”

effective presentation skills quotes by steve jobs


Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 2 :
Arouse the curiosity of your audience.  Steve Jobs skilfully said, “… in 1984, we introduced Macintosh,  It didn’t just change Apple, it changed the whole computer industry… in 2001, we introduced the first iPod… and it didn’t just change the way we listened to music.  It changed the entire music industry.  Well, today, we are introducing 3 revolutionary products.”  Impressive isn’t it?  That impactful and deliberate public speaking strategy definitely got the audience panting for the new products.  Watch the relevant portion of the video here :


Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 3:
Build in a surprise riddle.  Check out the extracted portions of the full video in the shortened video below where Steve built a ‘riddle’ inside his speech without telling his audience.   And when the audience are still guessing, Steve did the fourth deadly thing…

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 4:
To improve your public speaking skills or deliver an effective and impactful presentation, dare to TEASE the audience.  “Are you getting it?”  was what Steve Jobs asked when the audience started to realise that the 3 powerpacked new revolutionary features are inside the new iPhone. He did not explicitly say so initially but let the audience slowly conclude for themselves.. how cool a public speaking tip is that?

In fact, Steve Jobs teased the audience again when he suggested having the stylus.. and then he said “yucks”..  That was a classic funny moment we will always remember 🙂
[Note : In my public speaking courses (Singapore and Malaysia) and effective presentation skills workshops, I teach participants how to arouse audience curiosity and tease audience with additional tips.]

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 5:
Create the WOW factor.  It’s a definite compelling buy when audience realised that the only need to pay for 3 revolutionary products for the price of 1!

[Learn multiple ways on how to create that WOW factor for your audience in my Public Speaking Course (Singapore & Malaysia)]

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 6:
Make a bold declaration.  The ever consummate public speaker Steve Jobs delcared: “Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.”

presentation skills workshop singapore


Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 7:
Solve a MAJOR problem or problems currently not solved.  From 3:15 onwards, Steve Jobs spoke of the problems associated with typical smart phones.  Then he went on the explain and EXAGGERATE these problems.  For eg, he illustrated how not smart a smart phone is, and how not easy it is to use a smart phone. In fact he used about 4-5 minutes to discuss all the inconveniences of the prevailing smart phones.

Effective public speaking course by steve jobsThen he summed up what iPhone is : it solves all these problems.  So the public speaking trick he used here is to talk about the problems, exaggerate the problems, and then say, hey I solve all these for you.

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 8:
Use Media effectively and skilfully.  Steve Jobs and his slides were totally integrated.  His slides illustrated exactly what his message was.  His slides carried not long paragraphs but only key messages and pictures.  He was clearly the master and the slides were the servant.  Many beginners or those who suffer from stage presence tend to hide behind media.  To improve your presentation or public speaking skills – master the use of a few types of media (slides, flip charts, sound, videos).

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 9:
Exercise your stage presence.  Steve Jobs was clearly at ease with the stage – he stationed himself at the side, the centre, and knew when the take the limelight, and when to let his media take the limelight.  Did you notice that every hand gesture, leg movement and body movement was calculated to lend weight to what Steve Jobs was saying.

[In my Public Speaking Workshop Singapore (2 days), I share powerful tips to supercharge your body language so that you do not need to remain awkward or shy]

Effective Public Speaking Skills – Training Tip 10:
Rehearse and keep presentation simple.  Throughout his speech, Steve kept his contents simple.  The construction of iphone was obviously a very complicated research and production process but there were hardly any jargons used.  Learn to rehearse with the correct techniques to improve your public speaking skills!

public speaking skills

Want to watch the Steve Job’s powerful public speaking skills again?  We re-produce the video below :

For more tips to improve your Public Speaking Skills in Singapore, check out the following articles :

To attend the Public Speaking Workshop (2 days) by 36 HR Training & Consultancy, please click here to find out more :







Public Speaking Course in Singapore – 5 Tips To Deliver Impactful Presentations

Are You Thinking Of Attending A Public Speaking Course In Singapore or Malaysia?

Don’t attend any public speaking course in Singapore or any Singapore Toastmasters Club Course until you have read these 5 Tips On How To Speak Publicly and Improve Your Public Speaking Skills :

5 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLSPublic Speaking Training Workshop Course in Singapore


The first thing to know about improving public speaking skills is that there are many successful speakers who never started off as naturally gifted public speakers. Everyone acquires the ability through the same process of preparation, repetition and control – in short PRACTICE.  Even 2nd World War Leader Winston Churchill, who was famous for his war rally speeches, was was not born a great orator. It is reported in history that Winston Churchill had a slight stammer and a lisp when he was young. He compensated by investing in hours and hours crafting his speeches, practicing and perfecting each word.

Public Speaking Course in Singapore

It is very important to recognize that public speaking is not a terror to be shunned, but an opportunity to be seized. Most Singapore or Malaysia training courses in Public speaking Skills will teach you that Presentation Skills are all about persuasion of human beings by being connected with your audience and engaging them.

A Little Known Secret About Steve Jobs, one of our most awesome public speakers and innovators of our generation (watch the keynote speech by Steve Jobs and then his presentation secret is revealed below):

The Presentation Secret of Steve Jobs is this : Steve Jobs spends at least 2 days on presentation and public speaking practices and rehearsals, after he has prepared his keynote speech.

Online Public Speaking Lesson (Singapore) 1 : How much time do you spend on preparation versus rehearsals?  When you start adjusting and allocating more time for your presentation rehearsals, you are on your way to experiencing more success with public speaking

You use public speaking to gain something you want.  It does not matter if you are attempting to sell a product or persuade an audience as to how compelling your viewpoints are. The best outcome of any public speaking engagement is a win-win between you and your audience. You have implanted your ideas on fertile ground, you have picked up sales orders or gained customers. You can win and make your life much better by mastering the basics of public speaking.

• Key Messages are a critical success factor in successful public speaking. Figure out what you want to say, not every last word but every last concept you wish to touch upon. Leave nothing out and avoid any ad libs until you have mastered the craft enough to safely deviate from your notes without clouding your intended message.  If you are not clear what you want to say, chances are your audience won’t either!  And they won’t take a long time to find out.

Online Public Speaking Lesson (Singapore) 2 :  Decide what your key messages are and plan your hooklines, stories and plot around your key messages.

Whether you attend a Singapore public speaking training course by British Council of Singapore, or join several Singapore Toastmasters Clubs, or enrol yourself in the Speech Academy of Asia,  you are likely to be advised of the importance of key messages and rehearsals.

To join the exciting Public Speaking Training Programme by 36 HR Training & Consultancy, please check below :

►► Public Speaking Workshop (Singapore & Malaysia) – Impactful Presentations

• Budget your time. You must know how long you will be speaking. There is nothing worse than awkwardly trying to stretch out a five minute speech except perhaps trying to squeeze a long speech into a short window.

Online Public Speaking Lesson (Singapore) 3 : Most audiences will be grateful if you end slightly earlier than scheduled especially in a long day of public speaking seminars.

• If possible, visit the speaking venue in advance. Stand on the stage and look out over the arena. Test the equipment and sound system.  The more familiar you are with the venue, the more comfortable you will be when it comes time to actually deliver.

Singapore Public Speaking Course

Online Public Speaking Lesson (Singapore) 4 : Tap on the power of visualisation – it’s a very powerful public speaking technique which you must incorporate into your rehearsal/preparation.  Many successful salesmen practise visualisation before they actually speak to clients to enhance their chances of success.

• Practise your speech in front of a mirror so you can judge if your technique,  body language and gestures are awkward or distracting. Do it again and again until you find that you do not need to use your notes at all. They will be there to catch you if you fall or stumble, but the plan is to carry on without them.

Public Speaking Workshop in Singapore

Online Public Speaking Lesson (Singapore) 5 :  Rehearse using this technique called Verbalisation.  It’s like your body muscles – you need to repeat your exercises before your arm muscles start toning.   Likewise you need to exercise your mental and vocal muscles.  You may verbalise key messages only if you are running out of time.


If you like this coaching article on Public Speaking Techniques, you will also like the following Online Resources/Courses on How To Improve Your Public Speaking Tips :

►►Coaching Stories on Public Speaking Techniques – How To Speak Confidently

►►More Tips To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

►►7 Minute Guide To Presentation Skills

►► Attend A Public Speaking Course For Free – Learn How To Speak Like Steve Jobs

►►5 Power Tips To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking – Try Them!


Best Public Speaking Course in Singapore

You can sign up for a 1-to-1 Coaching Programme to improve your presentation skills, or sign up for an exciting 2-Day Public Speaking Training Course in Singapore by 36 HR Training & Consultancy :

►►Yes, I want to find out more about this 2 Day Presentation Skills Workshop On How To Improve My Public Speaking Skills